I’m sure we’ve all heard lots of stories about food over the years which just aren’t true. Whether it’s someone telling you shouldn’t eat carbs or the child who thinks an apple tree will grow in their stomach if they swallow a pip, there’s food myths aplenty out there. And although some of them are linked to faddy diets and trends, others tales probably ones you heard as a youngster – and it seems many of us still believe them to this day!
A poll of 2,000 people commissioned by Spatone showed there was all kinds of old wives tales we’re not quite sure whether to buy into or not.
A third of people still believe chewing gum takes seven years to digest (it doesn’t). Also - carrots can’t help you see in the dark, sadly. But they are delicious (especially some of the carrot pickles we sell!), so we’re happy to keep trying.
Other people thought eggs were bad for you, due to high cholesterol – a theory which has been largely debunked in recent years. So, tuck into those boiled eggs and soldiers without worrying about it!
Some of the other false claims that people bought into included the fact skipping meals helps you lose weight, you should never eat after 8pm and that sugar gives you energy – which it may do temporarily, but it certainly isn’t the best way to boost yourself during that mid afternoon slump.
It’s definitely true that the story you read one day can be directly conflicted the next – if you were looking for information on whether a glass of red wine or a cup of coffee is good for you or bad for you, you could almost certainly find people claiming both to be true, with supposed research to back them up.
It can be confusing – so it’s no wonder people aren’t quite sure what to believe any more!
Our philosophy here at Hunters is everything in moderation. As long as you’re not overindulging on a frequent basis a little bit of what you fancy shouldn’t make you feel too guilty. Balance is the key. And often, if you really listen to your body, it tells you what you need. No, I really don’t think it’s saying you should eat that half pound block of cheese on your own, washed down with a bottle of red. Nice try though
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