Thursday, 26 October 2017

We need you!

(It can’t only be us that pictures Lord Kitchener pointing at us every time we hear that?)

We’ve got a little favour to ask our wonderful customers… We’re delighted to have been nominated for the Farm Shop & Deli Awards 2018. But, we need some votes to help us win it! And we’re told it’s quality not quantity that counts… (same could be said for a lot of things in life).

There’s 13 categories, and we’re nominated in the delicatessen one (no surprise there you say!). There’s some tough competition, as you’d expect. God’s Own County isn’t short of some amazing food shops on its own, but Yorkshire is actually in with the wider North East region too, so there’s a whole host of favourites in there. We wouldn’t like to be the judges choosing between the 18… (although OBVIOUSLY if we were the judges we know who would win. Nudge nudge, wink wink).

The awards, which are in their fifth year, aim to draw attention to the many highly driven and passionate local businesses across the country. They focus on independent, specialty retailers who sell regional fresh/farm produce or have a delicatessen counter. They particularly celebrate the highest levels of service, product knowledge, initiative, innovation and community involvement in the sector. Much as we’re actually just very modest Yorkshire-folk and it sits a bit uneasy with us to blow our own trumpet (despite our new trumpet-featuring logo), we’d like to think we’re okay at some of those!

So…members of the public are being asked to vote for their favourite retailers to help them get through to the next stage of the competition. Regional winners will be chosen, who will then progress through to a national competition to have the chance of being crowned ‘Farm Shop & Deli Awards Retailer of the Year’. This will be announced at the Farm Shop & Deli Show, Monday 16th April 2018 at Birmingham’s NEC.

I’m sure it goes without saying that we would love to win one of these awards! As a small business owner you put your heart and soul into it, and we really are passionate about what we do. It’s always a fantastic boost for the whole team to receive a nomination for an award, and we thank everyone of you who votes for us and puts us forward for things. It means more than you can know!

So if you have a spare couple of minutes, and you feel like doing so, you can vote for us at: Choose the North East region or search for us by name. Voting closes on Tuesday 31st October 2017 and one lucky voter will be entered into a draw to win a “foodie hamper” (which sounds quite mysterious – wonder what it includes??)

Thank you all – and let’s keep everything crossed!

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