Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Foodie fibs

There was a recent bit of research out which revealed that millions of us Brits like to tell a little white lie now and then to appear more cultured than we really are.

According to the survey, which was carried out by MSC Cruises, these little porky pies included what books people have read, films they’ve watched and even where they’ve travelled, with one in five claiming to have been somewhere they haven’t. You better hope the person you’re speaking to on that occasion hasn’t really been there then!

But apparently quite a few of us are also fibbing about what foods we like to eat. Almost a third of Brits are making out they enjoy things they secretly hate, to make themselves seem like a foodie.

When we looked at the top 20 list of things they pretend to like, it turns out we actually do like pretty much all of it! (OK – personally, I’m not a big fan of oysters and sweetbreads aren’t my thing, but rare steak, smelly cheese and dark chocolate – delicious!)

So, the top 20 are:
1. Sushi
2. Dark chocolate
3. Rare steak
4. Quinoa
5. Oysters
6. Craft ales
7. Smelly cheese
8. Hot chillies
9. Avocado
10. Granola
11. Raw Vegetables
12. Sweetbreads
13. Kale
14. Korean food
15. Kimchi
16. Sashimi
17. Courgetti
18. Rye Bread
19. Bowl food (Congee)
20. Aged meat 

But maybe it’s because people aren’t trying the good stuff. Properly done sushi, a delicious Granola like the ones we stock from Yockenthwaite, a good quality Kimchi (Biona's)– we’re pretty sure we could change most people’s minds.

We reckon it’s possibly that people haven’t even tried some of these, but they’re wanting to appear up on current trends. Of course, it’s each to their own, and if you don’t like smelly cheese, a big slice of Stinking Bishop is probably never going to appeal. But why not go outside your comfort zone and try something new today? We’ve got lots of ideas and inspiration waiting for you….and we’re always happy to recommend our own favourites!

And next time someone tells you they’ve read War & Peace, watched Romeo and Juliet and visited New Zealand (which apparently are the top fibs told) maybe just have a question or two ready to see if they’re being entirely honest!  

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