Another day, another
food story which caught our eye.
Apparently many of us
are struggling to pronounce some of our favourite foods. And we’re not talking
about scone. We all know how that should be said!
According to a new
study, some of us are getting it so wrong, we’re being served the wrong things
when we’re trying to buy food in shops or restaurants – although we’re
struggling to think of another word that even sounds like mispronounced quinoa,
if we’re being honest. But that said, it seems one in five people have been
served something totally different to what they wanted because their
mispronunciation got confused for something else.
The research by French
bakery brand Brioche Pasquier found that actually, brioche was a word a third
of us struggled with. Other words we weren’t sure how to say included tzatziki,
camembert, chorizo, quesadillas, salad Niçoise, Jalapeño, macaron, soufflé and
fajitas. Quite a tongue twister if you try to say them all together! One in 10
of us has no idea how to say chipotle.
Even more
understandable perhaps is that we’re hesitating over words such as Vichyssoise,
bouillabaisse and bourguignon. Like anything language wise, it’s often a case
of practice makes perfect, and depending on the kinds of food you like to eat,
they may not be words you’d need to attempt daily, weekly or even annually!
Apparently we’re twice
as likely to have a go at pronouncing a word we’re unsure about than to admit
we don’t know how to say it.
It got us thinking, we
hope people don’t get off put asking for something they want to try because they’re
not sure how to say it. It seems a third of the population has struggled to
complete a food order because they couldn’t figure out how to communicate their
choice. Whether you give it a go and get it wrong, or ask how to say it,
there’s no embarrassment!
We’d hope at Hunters
that our staff were always approachable enough to ask – in fact we can probably
have a giggle together over some of the trickier words! We all have something
we struggle to say and sometimes it’s not even a word that seems very complicated
to anyone else!
So, don’t be shy…if
there’s something you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too nervous to
ask for it – come and chat to us. No one should miss out on good food (or
drink) because it’s too tricky for most of us to say!